
“There are few people we’ve ever worked with who bring together the intellect, work ethic and ability to get things done as does Heather Swain.

Heather has worked as an Executive Assistant to our communications company for some years now and helped us engineer a move to home studios as well as helping out with day to day living.

She’s negotiatied on our behalf with the city of Los Angeles regarding reimbursment on damages caused by faulty city equipment and there’s literally no situation too complex or too overwhelming for her to handle.

She has assisted and run lead on big projects (often with urgency) as well as smaller issues: Heather diagnosed and solved major drainage/flood issues at our home (including finding the most reason- able strategy and contractor bid to formally address the problem and even mitigating it as it happened). She also reorganized and moved garages and storage lockers full of household and office items to set up another workspace. Heather has been a ninja in setting up the home office.

Heather brings an almost magical ability to tackle the most intimidating situations when it comes to moving and organizing on a day to day basis and there is no wasted time.

I enthusiastically recommend Heather. She’d be an asset to anyone or any organization.”

Mark Thompson
American Newscaster, Host of Youtube, The Mark Thompson Show
